Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Meeting: Sept.26

We were so excited for Emily & Tucker to finally meet their new baby sister Rebekah. They have been so excited & patient. Their anticipation made this past 9 months a blast.

2nd Batch of Photos

Here's the 2nd batch of photos. Rebekah did have to spend a few day under & on top of the "belly-bed" to deal with "the jaundice". They made for cool photos, but that was about all that was cool about the lights (and the fact that it helped her get better). Enjoy. Click the photo to see the slideshow.

Friday, September 28, 2007

In the Middle...

We are very excited to let everyone know our beautiful baby's full name....

Rebekah Ellen Conley

She is beautiful and has already brought us much joy.
Thank you to everybody for their thoughts, well wishes, comments, & prayers.

I get the awesome privilege of getting to stay home for a week, so we will continue posting more pics & videos (including a really cool one of Emily & Tuck meeting Rebekah for the first time.... trying to get that one posted by tonight.).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sep 26 2007 - Eight Seconds Old

This is honestly one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. During that first few minutes of life, when each of my three children cried like you'd stolen their puppy... it brings such joy to me.

Pictures pictures

Here is the first batch of photos. Our family (cousins, uncles, aunts, & grandparents) anxiously awaited Rebekah's arrival in the waiting room. To view the slide show click this photo below or click THIS LINK.


She has arrived and is beautiful. She brings so much joy to the world around her already!
Uploading pictures right now, but here's a sample of our little one... Rebekah.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's A GIRL!

Rebekah was born at 5:00Pm!
more to come!

Praise God!